Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Facebook Fever

Having given up Facebook for Lent is killing me! I feel like I am missing out on so much. I'm not sure what it is but it "feels" like something big. I keep having to tell myself: "if anything major happens I will definitely hear about it". At least I hope so.

Feeling a bit cut-off from the rest of the world. Ridiculous, I know but it just goes to show you how addicted I was to Facebook and all the escape it provided me. I could and would get lost for hours on end playing Farmville,  looking at people's photo's, searching news feeds, and once in awhile chatting. The latter became too much for me since I have a hard time concentrating for too long yet suck at multi-tasking. Go figure.

I gave up Facebook in order to make more room to concentrate on other things but it seems I spend most of my time wondering, thinking, wishing I was logged on instead of doing the other things I was hoping to get around to doing. Granted, I have been blogging and writing more, which is a good thing but I definitely feel out of sorts at the moment. Friendster and Myspace never had me like this. Praying for my fever to subside.

Crooked Notes by Idilio Rivera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


  1. Idilio: Your Blogging about your Sabbath has been posted on NLF's Facebook page -- as I imagine you surely know. People are reading it and in some cases leaving comments. My comment was censored but other comments of varying lengths and emphases remain. So you continue to have an impact on Facebook even though you are fasting from it. We'll be here when you get back.

    No worries.



  2. Bill: Yes, I have my blogs set up so that they automatically transfer over to Facebook. Won't be able to read them until after Lent (unless I give in to the constant temptation...praying for strength). With that said, not sure what you mean about your comments being censored but thanks for alerting me to this. Can't help but wonder what and who is doing this ( if it is what I think you are saying). Please send me a message to www.idiliorrific@gmail.com, if you wish, and let me know the specifics of the matter. I apologize in advance...
