Saturday, January 16, 2010

Time on My Hands

Soon I may have plenty of time on my hands so I was wondering what could I dedicate myself to and finally accomplish. These are just some random thoughts and ideas floating in "mi cabeza":

1. Yup, you guessed it. Finally write this long awaited book bursting inside me wanting to see the light of day! This would be the perfect time to do so.

2. Go back to the gym and finally lose the thirty or so pounds I've accumulated. Haven't been to a gym or lifted a finger since Dcember 2008, when I was handed my cancer diagnosis. Now that I am in full recovery, it may be high time to get on that treadmill and run, Idilio, run.

3. Finally learn to type! This two finger business is a drag. Takes me forever to write a simple paragraph (not a good thing for someone who loves to write).

4. Spend the cold winter months somewhere warm and volunteer of my time (Haiti comes to mind).

5. Go to Hollywood and get discovered.

6. Run for Mayor of New York City.

7. Hang out in the subways and yell at the top of my lungs: "Repent! The end is near!" to people passing by.

8. Bring back the Squigee Man movement. Where did they go? Nobody tries to wash my windshield anymore for spare change. Thanks Bloomberg.

9. Run a campaign to keep Conan O' Brien as Late Night Show Host. Leno? Are you kidding me? Oh well, I'm sure there are plenty out there who prefer him over Conan. Now you know where I stand. Conan...Conan...Conan.

10. Start my own Organizing Business where I would go to people's houses and a fee help them organize clostes, drawers, piles of paper, etc. Love doing that kind of stuff.

And last but not least, show up every day to work and upon seeing those who fired me or maligned me, run up to them, give them a bear hug and kiss and offer them a cup of hot cocoa or cafe con leche and say a heartfelt "thank you!".


  1. Fabulous! I love the book idea and the volunteering. The organizing business is really profitable. I have a colleague who charges $150 per hour to organize. She's a fb "friend" and she's making lots of money. Let me know and I could put you in touch with her. Good luck!

    Ingrid G.

  2. On a practical note, I learned practice typing using a computer typing program. I am so glad the took the time to do it. I am especially grateful that I know how to type using the number pad. In my opinion, it is worth the time and effort and it is kind of fun because they use games to help with practice. KB
