Monday, March 29, 2010

Go West Young Man and Receive Your Healing!

I never expected my recovery from Cancer to take so long. My last Chemo/Radiation treatment took place last April, almost a year ago. Well, the Cancer is one hundred percent gone but these lingering painful effects seem to not want to leave my body. That is until today.

I've been vacationing in California for the last few days thanks to my good friend Andre Ashby who made it possible for me to come and spend ten restful days in sun-drenched Corona, California (during my down time as I wait to start my new job in April). I love spending time with Andre. Not only is he a passionate lover of God but he is someone I respect and highly esteem in my life. Whenever I'm around him I get to experience more of God's presence, which translates into uproarious laughter. Andre is an introvert by nature and being around a lot of people tends to wear him out. I sometimes scratch my head how God would call him to a life of public ministry with this being the case but if you have ever sat in one of his meetings you can attest to the tangible and thunderous presence of God. He carries a genuine "breaker" anointing (a supernatural authority to break open things in the spirit). I have personally witnessed people's lives changed and touched by God when he ministers. Today was no different. I am always honored to go to churches where Andre has been invited to speak at and see how God uses him.

Today was no different as Andre, his assistant Eli, and myself made our way to The Carpenter's House in Fontana, CA. God moved in power as Andre sang prophetically and then spoke about God's desire to dwell amongst a people who would move in His power and might. Andre admonished us with great passion to no longer be spectators but to go deeper and higher into everything God has for us as believers. As always, Andre tore down the altars of religiosity and lifeless traditions and prepared us to receive the anointing and freedom that sets people free to experience and know God in a tangible way. After speaking into people's lives with prophetic messages he began to give out words of knowledge concerning infirmities and afflictions. Many people responded and were healed.

At one point, Andre called me to step out of my seat and receive God's healing touch. He prayed over the residual effects of Chemo/Radiation. I felt a surge of heat swirling through my body and began to tremble from the strong sensation manifesting inside me. I love it when God comes and makes his presence known. As I stood there receiving healing prayer I had a definite sense something had taken effect inside me. I wanted to fall to the floor from the strong vibrations I was sensing but I resisted. Not sure if that was the best thing to do considering that I was resisting the Holy Spirit out of pride. I kept thinking to myself "Oh no, don't make a scene in front of these people. Keep it together. Whatever you do, don't fall out!" I wonder how many times I grieve the Holy Spirit when I go into panic mode? How sad. Yet God still honors me and blesses me with himself. What can I say about this but that He loves me with an everlasting and unquenchable love.

I must get back to the days during my youth when I did not care what people thought or had to say but only that God would do with me as He pleased. In my attempts to be "mature" and come across as "stable" I have quenched the Holy Spirit. I'll be the first to confess I am more often than not concerned with people's opinion and assessments than I am of God's words on a given subject. How sad.  Almost tragic if you think about it. When was the last time another human-being gave of themselves as generously and freely to me as God has? Or as loving, for that matter. I guess this only shows the true nature and condition of my heart and how much I desperately need God to break me open, change, and transform me. Thankfully, I know He loves me with such an intensely jealous love, He will not give up on me until I am completely transformed and perfected into His image. I believe this with all my heart and whatever it takes it will come to pass in my life.

Andre spoke powerfully about repentance not only being a turning away from wrong-doing but a conscious effort to change one's thoughts on a matter. With that said, I repent of my man-pleasing tendencies and begin the journey back to believing and accepting what God says about a given situation. This will require practice on my part but it is possible to do and well worth it.

Well, to my pleasant surprise when three o' clock came around and it was time to pop a pain killer (as I have been doing for weeks now) I realized the pain was gone. Gone! As I write this, seven hours later, I am still free of pain and rejoicing at God's healing touch. He did it! He brought me cross-country to receive complete healing. Thank you, Lord!

I will continue to stand in agreement with my healing. I know the enemy will come soon enough and do his best to try and cause me to doubt but I will not listen to Him and keep declaring: "I am a sign and a wonder of God's power and love. I was born for such a time as display in my life His greatness and might!" Will you stand with me and agree with me that "He did not bring me out this far to turn me back again? He brought me out to take me into the Promised Land... the rightful inheritance of those who trust and put their hope in a Living God.

Crooked Notes by Idilio Rivera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


  1. What an awesome testimony. Praise God for his healing virtues.

  2. Hey, Hey that is AWESOME!!! The love of God for His people is truly precious.
