Confessions of the Heart, Observations from the viewpoint of Brokenness, Insights into Inner Struggles, Manifestations of Raw Emotions, and Personal Revelations of a God who loves US through it all.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
When Cancer Overstays it Welcome
The mother of a young brother at my church was laid to rest yesterday. Cancer claimed her body but thankfully not her soul. Someone I deeply admire and marvel at seeing her amazing talents and gifting wrote about it today. I just happened to run into it and now here I sit in a puddle of hot tears. Anything cancer related nowadays has a way of grabbing my attention and makes me sit up and take notice. All for selfish reasons, mind you. I am not weeping because Mike's mom passed away but I am shedding tears at the thought of what it will be like when my turn comes up. "How long do I have left?" is the question I find marching in syncopated precision. Every time I wake up from one of my Morphine induced comatose naps I can't help but want to kick myself at having wasted precious time sleeping. More than ever, I feel like I am in a race against time. Time may be running out for me and I'm spending most of it sleeping! Honest to God, how I wish someone, anyone would give me an exact, or at least an accurate prediction of how much time I have left before the lights of this world fade and I am enticed by the far more brilliant light of my Savior; the only literal light source on the other side where sickness and disease will never again harm anything or anyone!
I am not upset in the least "if" cancer is the chosen vessel to ferry me over to the other side. Not in the least. I can honestly bear the pain and ravages of this monstrous disease. The benefits and blessings coming from this experience are far outweighing the negative things afflicting me temporarily. Besides, I have, thus far, strong allies on my side and at my disposal. I have a worldwide army praying for me (literally). I have amazing friends surrounding me, believing and agreeing with me that this cancer must shrivel up and die without taking me with it. I even have the support of my parents who have practically moved in with me in order to look after my daily personal needs. Yes, my friend, I am covered on all sides and feel completely loved and treasured. Yet, I have this present love-hate relationship with Morphine. I love how it keeps pain at bay. What I hate is how it causes me to sleep for an inordinate amount of time, which to me translates into a waste of precious time. Not much is accomplished while asleep (at least not what I feel needs to get done). Sadly, when it comes to my bodies response to sleep, l lose each and every time. This morphine will sucker punch me every two hours as I ingest it into my body. I know, I know, I need to focus on the positive aspects. And I will....I'm just letting off some steam so it doesn't build up and cause me or some innocent by-stander unnecessary grief along the way.
I have clearly stipulated in my last will and testament my wishes to be cremated. I'm hoping and praying my family honors my request. I've asked for half of my remains to be disposed off of the Brooklyn Bridge since it symbolizes where I was born and raised. The remainder of my ashes are to be scattered over in Puerto Rico since this is where my ancestors and heritage derives from. I have yet to bring it to my parents attention but I need to do so, sooner than later. I pray things go much more smoothly this time around. The last time I brought it up (a few years ago) my mother vehemently protested the whole cremation idea, which is why it prompted me to get it in writing.
I will be the first among my family to be cremated...ever. The reason why my mother is against cremation is not so much that my corpse will be burned but she will not have a physical place to go and visit such as like a traditional grave site. I've explained to her she can purchase a plot or space in a mausoleum where she can visit. She doesn't seem to think this is good enough of a solution. I've explained to her and gone into the whole "I won't be there anymore" speech but she refuses to reason with me. This has always been my problem with my mother; her obsessive idolatry of me as her "baby boy". This has caused my sisters a great deal of resentment and emotional grief. My sister Cindy has been known to throw it squarely in my face how I am "el favorito de mami" (mom's favorite) and how she worships the ground I walk on. I've done my part in apologizing and trying to help her see how I detest this about my mother since I believe it only brings God's displeasure when we put anything above him as number one. Yet this is another matter mom doesn't seem to want to recognize or acknowledge. The woman lives enshrouded by a thick and heavy layer of denial. I feel sorry for her but realize I can't do a thing to change her. I only have the power to change myself. Loving and accepting people where they are in life is easier said than done. I guess this is why we don't get to choose the families we are born into since they are given to us for a reason and purpose. Our family members are not coincidental but divinely orchestrated and put in place for that very reason. Iron sharpen iron and so forth.
In the event that the executor of my will is not able to see my wishes for cremation granted, I have added a stipulation that any and all funeral viewings be carried out with a closed casket. I just don' t want anyone's lasting or final memory of me to be that of my lifeless body laid out with my make-up all wrong. I guess even in death I will be vain (lol). In the end, of course none of this will matter to anyone. This corruptible and decaying flesh will be no more! I will be free at last to live all of eternity in a glorified and transformed body. No more pain. No more deformities. No more prosthetic body parts. Can't wait! Then again, yes I can since I want to stick around and see God's promises to me fulfilled. All the more reason and witnessing proof to my spirit that this cancer is not mine to keep for much longer. Yes, I have a destiny I know I must fulfill. I have a name I have yet to bring more glory and honor to so that when I finally am called home I will hear loud and clear: "Well done good and faithful servant!"
Crooked Notes by Idilio Rivera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Zombieland Frustration
Every two hours I have to take anywhere between six to ten "dilaudid" pills in order to keep myself from having any moderate to severe pain. Every eight hours I also have to pop 200mg. of MS Contin in order to stay pain-free. My prayers have been answered, sort of.
I am making every effort to be thankful and not complain. The problem I am encountering is the frequency and high amount of dosage I am being subjected to. My alarm clock goes off every two hours, at which time I reach for my "D" pills and after ingesting them go into "Zombie" mode. These pills make me so drowsy that in writing this short blog I have fallen asleep at least three times. Yup, I just zonk out. I haven't timed myself but it lasts anywhere from two to twenty minutes. Can you see how frustrating that could be especially when I am trying to complete a task? Arghhhhhh...... frustrating, indeed.
The present dosage came about from my most recent stay at the Hospital. In order to gauge and determine the correct magnitude of dosage, I was connected to a Pain Pump and told to press the button every time I needed relief from the pain. This way the Pain Management Team was able to better assess and determine the frequency and correct dose needed in order to ... (oh, oh, nap time)...
Four Minutes later: I'm back. Now where was I? Well, you get what I am experiencing as of late, which is why I even took a day to refrain from providing status updates on Facebook.
I am in la-la land and it is frustrating me beyond words can describe to you right now. Oh well, at least I am pain-free! More importantly and worthy of a celebratory shout is my ability to sit. Yup, I am ecstatically overjoyed in announcing to you that my 87 days of being horizontally ( we go right back)
I forgot to time how long I snoozed but I'm back. Now where was I? Oh yeah, the tumor afflicting me has grown to the point where it now protrudes somewhere in the vicinity where my scrotum and testicles mostly reside...undisturbed. TMI, I know but this is my sad reality. My cancer is not dignified in the least. Others can say without shame: " I have lung, breast, liver, etc. cancer. Even the mention of rectal or colon cancer is far more acceptable and dignified than " I have Anal Cancer". My tumor is growing and originated in my anus. Talk about humbling. Add to that, how I have not been able to sit or participate in any activity which requires me to sit (that is about 90% of what we do, day in and day out). Praise God those days are over!
Cancer claimed yet another life today. A dear brother from my church, Michael Betancourt, lost his dear mother to this monster. Mike and his wife, Jem, stopped by for a brief visit while I was ....
hospitalized. Mike shared with me how his Mom only had days left...
I received the sad news today that she passed into the next life sometime after twelve noon....
I'm fading fast so I will leave it here and simply end with how increasingly angry I am at this damn Cancer. God, come to our rescue! Have mercy on us and pour out out a tsunami wave of healing and deliverance, in Jesus Name!!!
Crooked Notes by Idilio Rivera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
I am making every effort to be thankful and not complain. The problem I am encountering is the frequency and high amount of dosage I am being subjected to. My alarm clock goes off every two hours, at which time I reach for my "D" pills and after ingesting them go into "Zombie" mode. These pills make me so drowsy that in writing this short blog I have fallen asleep at least three times. Yup, I just zonk out. I haven't timed myself but it lasts anywhere from two to twenty minutes. Can you see how frustrating that could be especially when I am trying to complete a task? Arghhhhhh...... frustrating, indeed.
The present dosage came about from my most recent stay at the Hospital. In order to gauge and determine the correct magnitude of dosage, I was connected to a Pain Pump and told to press the button every time I needed relief from the pain. This way the Pain Management Team was able to better assess and determine the frequency and correct dose needed in order to ... (oh, oh, nap time)...
Four Minutes later: I'm back. Now where was I? Well, you get what I am experiencing as of late, which is why I even took a day to refrain from providing status updates on Facebook.
I am in la-la land and it is frustrating me beyond words can describe to you right now. Oh well, at least I am pain-free! More importantly and worthy of a celebratory shout is my ability to sit. Yup, I am ecstatically overjoyed in announcing to you that my 87 days of being horizontally ( we go right back)
I forgot to time how long I snoozed but I'm back. Now where was I? Oh yeah, the tumor afflicting me has grown to the point where it now protrudes somewhere in the vicinity where my scrotum and testicles mostly reside...undisturbed. TMI, I know but this is my sad reality. My cancer is not dignified in the least. Others can say without shame: " I have lung, breast, liver, etc. cancer. Even the mention of rectal or colon cancer is far more acceptable and dignified than " I have Anal Cancer". My tumor is growing and originated in my anus. Talk about humbling. Add to that, how I have not been able to sit or participate in any activity which requires me to sit (that is about 90% of what we do, day in and day out). Praise God those days are over!
Cancer claimed yet another life today. A dear brother from my church, Michael Betancourt, lost his dear mother to this monster. Mike and his wife, Jem, stopped by for a brief visit while I was ....
hospitalized. Mike shared with me how his Mom only had days left...
I received the sad news today that she passed into the next life sometime after twelve noon....
I'm fading fast so I will leave it here and simply end with how increasingly angry I am at this damn Cancer. God, come to our rescue! Have mercy on us and pour out out a tsunami wave of healing and deliverance, in Jesus Name!!!
Crooked Notes by Idilio Rivera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Bloody Frustrations
To say I am becoming increasingly frustrated with this tumor is an understatement. It refuses to shrink and it is increasingly creating more pain and discomfort to my body on a daily basis. I visited my Urologist today and I left feeling a bit defeated and trapped. Dr. Sandhu was not able to provide me with any viable solutions to my dilemma. I shared with him how I am experiencing sudden spasms of intense pain more and more frequently. I was truly hoping the doctor would be able to provide me with a certain measure of lasting relief. Unfortunately, all he was able to offer me was the same song and dance..."the tumor is creating havoc inside you." Dr. Sandhu offered to increase my dosage of pain medication but I turned it down. I am having a very hard time with taking a larger dose since it tends to make me feel all out of it. I hate feeling like a zombie. But it seems I am going to have to start getting used to this until the tumor finally subsides and diminishes. Please God, let it shrink and whither away.
I took the following photos in order to show Dr. Sanhu what I was dealing with at home. The first photo shows what the toilet bowl looks like after I'm done using it. The problem is not so much the blood which comes out of with my urine but the fact that I have a superpubic catheter installed. I should not be urinating on my own at all. Now get ready for this, the urine is coming out of my anus!!! WTF??? I was petrified when it first happened. I thought something seriously wrong was happening to me. To my relief the Oncology nurse told me this happens sometimes to people stricken with my type of cancer. (This was later confirmed by both Doctor Sandhu and Dr. Chung).
Crooked Notes by Idilio Rivera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
I took the following photos in order to show Dr. Sanhu what I was dealing with at home. The first photo shows what the toilet bowl looks like after I'm done using it. The problem is not so much the blood which comes out of with my urine but the fact that I have a superpubic catheter installed. I should not be urinating on my own at all. Now get ready for this, the urine is coming out of my anus!!! WTF??? I was petrified when it first happened. I thought something seriously wrong was happening to me. To my relief the Oncology nurse told me this happens sometimes to people stricken with my type of cancer. (This was later confirmed by both Doctor Sandhu and Dr. Chung).
(1) bloody urine
(2) Blood in my catheter tube.
(3) Blood soaked catheter bag.
(4) Traveling in style in the back seat of dad's car.
God does not give us any burden we cannot carry. He is just. Therefore, it is my conclusion he will get me through this somehow and by any means necessary . In the midst of the pain I will continue to remind myself of these truths and trust Him with the final outcome. I will also consider it a "blessing of leisure and rest" the fact that I am unable to sit down because of the location and size of my tumor.
"God, you are my strength. Thank you for never leaving me or forsaking me. Amen."
Crooked Notes by Idilio Rivera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Death and Angels
I'm not afraid of dying. Passing over from this life to the next has always had a wonderful fascination for me. I'm talking even before I came down with Cancer and faced the very real prospect that death might just sting me at any given moment. I guess since I do not associate death with more pain, but a final release of pain and the beginning of euphoric bliss, makes the whole process of dying a welcomed and celebratory event. We read countless stories and see varying depictions of what it will be like to "cross over". You know...the whole light in the tunnel scenario, spirits lifting out of bodies, etc. All quite very exciting if you ask me. Which is why it leaves me dumbfounded and saddened to encounter the utter dread and horror the subject matter brings on when death is mentioned to some people; my mother being a prime example. Mom absolutely refuses to talk about it. She will not even, for a second, entertain the whole notion of dying. Believe me, I have tried to broach the subject, all to no avail. The woman will literally walk out of the room and during those instances she is not able to, she will verbally demand the subject not be discussed.
"...Por favor, habla de otra cosa plees!" she will demand. End of conversation.
The reason why I bring this up is simply because yesterday was an excruciatingly painful day. It seemed that the slightest movement caused me such agony and at times torment that I must confess to you I found myself at one point drenched in tears, verbally crying out to God for mercy. I hate when it gets to this stage. I hate it because after the pain does subside and is brought under control, I feel like such a coward. I know I have every right to feel the way I do and crying out for relief is the obvious thing to do but it messes with me for some reason. Those vulnerable moments of physical agony later make me wonder and question my ability to persevere. Maybe I'm just being too hard on myself but I can't help but feel like such a "punk" for not taking it like a man and holding it in. I recognize this as vestiges of my own dysfunction growing up with a chauvinistic father and from countless reinforcements from a mother who always reminded me "Boys don't cry!" or "stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about!" and my favorite and most hurtful comment hurled my way..."there you go again, crying. I swear you should have been born the girl and not your sister! Shut up, Magdalena!"
Thank God I can sit here and no longer be adversely affected by such hurtful and ignorant comments.
Along with great physical pain come moments of mental escape where I allow myself the luxury of thinking about the finality of this earthly existence. It soothes my pain to envision my final moments here on Earth. I'll let you in into my creative imagination and briefly describe to you what I think those final moments will look like to me. I'm curious to know if anyone else has ever daydreamed about this. If so, please share and let me know because that way I will not feel like such an oddball.
When death finally comes I envision myself lying in bed, oblivious to the presence of mortals but keenly aware and in tune with the increasing presence of angels. One by one, they start to fill the room with their warm soft light, each one serving the purpose of helping my spirit and soul to finally let go. Angelic beings start to fill the room as the light increases in the room and my ability to rise up and out of my body takes hold. But I do not fully do so until at last the head guardian angel assigned to me in life enters the room and without uttering a word reaches out to take hold of my hand. This the final signal to my mortal body that it is allowed to give up my spirit. Once and for all, I breathe my last breath and am finally free and ready for eternity with my Jesus. The rest is a mystery to me. Will I be able to stick around and watch my loved ones lay my remains to rest (or scatter in my case)? Will I immediately meet dearly departed relatives and friends? Will I literally have to go towards the light in the tunnel scenario? Or will I be immediately transported into the Heavenly Courts? Quien sabe...who knows? But I'm longing to find out.
I am hoping my wish to be cremated will be honored and I will not have to be physically put in the ground. More importantly, I hope and pray there will not be a viewing of my remains. I'm just too vain and would hate for anyone's last memory or sight of me to be something completely misrepresenting of what I was like when vivo.
Morbid? Not at all. Death is a natural progression of things and whether I live another ten, twenty, or fifty years, the moment will finally arrive some day. It is true what they say, death is the one true equalizer. When I am wracked in pain and agony, can you blame me for wanting to escape? I still don't know why I've been allowed to experience the ravages of cancer when it doesn't even run in my family but hey, I believe with all my heart that I will be rewarded for every second of pain I will have to endure here on this Earth. God is fair and just. I can handle this as long as I keep things in perspective and realize how temporal and brief this all is in comparison to what lies ahead. Earth is temporal, Heaven is eternal. So when you ask where I get my strength to endure, it comes from knowing what I have shared with you here. Godless men in the Book of Revelations Chapter 16: 4-11 refused to repent and glorify God because of the searing pain they were subjected to. To me it is obvious they did not know the person of Jesus as I have come to know him and sadly, tragically allowed their temporal pain to blind them of the opportunity to glorify God. May this never be said of me...ever! No matter how bad it gets. And believe me, I have a feeling its going to get much worse before I can finally experience the better.
Are you afraid of death? Do you know what to do in order to be set free of such fear? Can you trust God even when things seem to be going against you and your every cry for relief seems to go unanswered?
Crooked Notes by Idilio Rivera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
"...Por favor, habla de otra cosa plees!" she will demand. End of conversation.
The reason why I bring this up is simply because yesterday was an excruciatingly painful day. It seemed that the slightest movement caused me such agony and at times torment that I must confess to you I found myself at one point drenched in tears, verbally crying out to God for mercy. I hate when it gets to this stage. I hate it because after the pain does subside and is brought under control, I feel like such a coward. I know I have every right to feel the way I do and crying out for relief is the obvious thing to do but it messes with me for some reason. Those vulnerable moments of physical agony later make me wonder and question my ability to persevere. Maybe I'm just being too hard on myself but I can't help but feel like such a "punk" for not taking it like a man and holding it in. I recognize this as vestiges of my own dysfunction growing up with a chauvinistic father and from countless reinforcements from a mother who always reminded me "Boys don't cry!" or "stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about!" and my favorite and most hurtful comment hurled my way..."there you go again, crying. I swear you should have been born the girl and not your sister! Shut up, Magdalena!"
Thank God I can sit here and no longer be adversely affected by such hurtful and ignorant comments.
Along with great physical pain come moments of mental escape where I allow myself the luxury of thinking about the finality of this earthly existence. It soothes my pain to envision my final moments here on Earth. I'll let you in into my creative imagination and briefly describe to you what I think those final moments will look like to me. I'm curious to know if anyone else has ever daydreamed about this. If so, please share and let me know because that way I will not feel like such an oddball.
When death finally comes I envision myself lying in bed, oblivious to the presence of mortals but keenly aware and in tune with the increasing presence of angels. One by one, they start to fill the room with their warm soft light, each one serving the purpose of helping my spirit and soul to finally let go. Angelic beings start to fill the room as the light increases in the room and my ability to rise up and out of my body takes hold. But I do not fully do so until at last the head guardian angel assigned to me in life enters the room and without uttering a word reaches out to take hold of my hand. This the final signal to my mortal body that it is allowed to give up my spirit. Once and for all, I breathe my last breath and am finally free and ready for eternity with my Jesus. The rest is a mystery to me. Will I be able to stick around and watch my loved ones lay my remains to rest (or scatter in my case)? Will I immediately meet dearly departed relatives and friends? Will I literally have to go towards the light in the tunnel scenario? Or will I be immediately transported into the Heavenly Courts? Quien sabe...who knows? But I'm longing to find out.
I am hoping my wish to be cremated will be honored and I will not have to be physically put in the ground. More importantly, I hope and pray there will not be a viewing of my remains. I'm just too vain and would hate for anyone's last memory or sight of me to be something completely misrepresenting of what I was like when vivo.
Morbid? Not at all. Death is a natural progression of things and whether I live another ten, twenty, or fifty years, the moment will finally arrive some day. It is true what they say, death is the one true equalizer. When I am wracked in pain and agony, can you blame me for wanting to escape? I still don't know why I've been allowed to experience the ravages of cancer when it doesn't even run in my family but hey, I believe with all my heart that I will be rewarded for every second of pain I will have to endure here on this Earth. God is fair and just. I can handle this as long as I keep things in perspective and realize how temporal and brief this all is in comparison to what lies ahead. Earth is temporal, Heaven is eternal. So when you ask where I get my strength to endure, it comes from knowing what I have shared with you here. Godless men in the Book of Revelations Chapter 16: 4-11 refused to repent and glorify God because of the searing pain they were subjected to. To me it is obvious they did not know the person of Jesus as I have come to know him and sadly, tragically allowed their temporal pain to blind them of the opportunity to glorify God. May this never be said of me...ever! No matter how bad it gets. And believe me, I have a feeling its going to get much worse before I can finally experience the better.
Are you afraid of death? Do you know what to do in order to be set free of such fear? Can you trust God even when things seem to be going against you and your every cry for relief seems to go unanswered?
"The third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water, and they became blood. 5Then I heard the angel in charge of the waters say:
"You are just in these judgments,
you who are and who were, the Holy One,
because you have so judged;
6for they have shed the blood of your saints and prophets,
and you have given them blood to drink as they deserve."
"You are just in these judgments,
you who are and who were, the Holy One,
because you have so judged;
6for they have shed the blood of your saints and prophets,
and you have given them blood to drink as they deserve."
7And I heard the altar respond:
"Yes, Lord God Almighty,
true and just are your judgments."
"Yes, Lord God Almighty,
true and just are your judgments."
8The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire. 9They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him.
10The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom was plunged into darkness. Men gnawed their tongues in agony 11and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done."
Revelations 16:4-11
Crooked Notes by Idilio Rivera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Let Not My Father's Sins Become My Sins
"You are so loved, Idilio" has been told to me a great deal lately. I couldn't agree more. This illness has brought out the best in people. Everyone wants to do something, anything, to help ease my pain. This includes my own biological family.
My parents, thus far, have been here for me as I battle this cancer. They have put aside their own marital problems and presented themselves as a united front (or at least they are trying to do so). My father seems to have put his short fused temper and explosive anger under tight control so as not to cause me any stress or anxiety, For the time being, he has even put aside his now publicly known affair with my uncle's wife. It almost makes me want to believe he is actually capable of changing his womanizing ways. He just might be successful at fidelity in his senior years is what I'd like to leave this world believing but I'm quickly reminded by all my friends and acquaintance who lay eyes on him for the first time that he is much too handsome for that to be the case. El mundo esta lleno de tentaciones. The world is full of temptation. And he simply has no self-control. Never has and sadly I have lost any hope he ever will.
Women find my father very attractive and handsome at first sight. I can't even begin to tell you how it makes me feel inside when I hear my many women friends immediately comment on his good looks. What used to be a source of great pride has given way to downright disgust and aversion. I cringe when people mention how good looking my father is. I've even had some friends say to my face "He looks better than you!" The comment is usually followed by laughter which I have learned to accept as their cue that the comment was said in jest. Yet when it is said enough times it no longer produces the pride I once felt at hearing such a nice compliment paid to the old man. "Thanks. Should I hook up a date or quickie while we are on the subject?" is what I sometimes wish I was able to sarcastically respond. But conventional wisdom and proper etiquette in a given situation wins the day and I too laugh it off. I'm not sure why it bothers me so much nowadays. It is no exaggeration that if as the saying goes: "If I had a dollar" for every female or gay friend who has ever made mention of Dad's good looks I might just have enough to pay off one of my credit cards.
I lied. I do know why it bothers me so much. Such commentary only reminds me of the fact that my Father has lived his whole life using his good looks to get what he wants from the women who will give it to him. As long as I have known my father, the scarlet letter "A" has been a part of his identity. I have never known him not to be an Adulterer. I grew up with it. I heard about it constantly from my betrayed and devastated mother. She herself would volunteer the sordid details no child should ever have to hear about his own father. But that's a whole other story in itself and I don't have the emotional energy to get into that right now. Somehow, without even realizing it, I have allowed bitterness and an unforgiving attitude to put a wedge between my once healed and restored relationship with the man I once wished dead because of all the emotional pain and turmoil he singlehandedly had put me through. I am relieving my childhood, it seems, yet again.
As I fight for my life and not allow this cancer to consume me, I am faced with another battle - the battle to forgive and let go. I am failing miserably on both fronts. The cancer has not only reappeared but now threatens to do it's worst. At least this is the constant threat and fear I seem to be under ever since Dr. Nash announced to me how he wanted to rip out more than just my colon. There is no use in denying what I daily dread. And as the pain intensifies in my body, now I must deal with the emotional pain and trauma my father has brought about by taking on his brother-in-law's wife as his mistress.
I keep hoping and praying he will come to his senses and turn from his wicked ways. Instead, he continues to perpetuate lies of betrayal and denial, never stopping to realize how much he is affecting his whole family. As the "head" of this family he is dragging us all into a pit along with him and he doesn't seem to care or think his shameful actions matter or have any bearing on us as a family.
As for my mother, she continues to deceive herself and believe the affair is over and done with. That is until Dad gets sloppy in covering his tracks and mom finds out he wasn't where he said he was. Forty years she has put up with this. Forty years she has somehow managed to do what I am desperately trying to do now: forgive and forget. She must have her reasons for staying in such a dishonorable marriage (deep down I do believe she genuinely loves him) but it is taking its toll on me and my siblings. I can't speak for my sisters and tell you how they are coping but I can only say that "me" the only professing "born-again christian" en la familia, it is not fairing so well. My sisters can hate if they want and harbor unforgiveness if they so chose to but I on the other hand am strictly governed by the principle that in order to be forgiven I too must forgive. Fair enough, right? Don't get me wrong, I love my parents and I want to honor them, not to mention enjoy a stable, loving, and intimate relationship with them. I want to look in my father's eyes and not be ashamed or disgusted but he is not making it easy for me. I want to wake up and know without a doubt this charade is finally over. But it seems far from over, leaving me in the predicament I find myself in.
I need to overcome. I need to forgive. I need to move on but the dysfunctions of the family I was born into are proving to be as tenacious and as unyielding as the physical cancer I am currently faced with.I keep crying out to God for mercy over judgment. I do not want to judge the old man or anyone else for that matter because I want to have ample mercy granted to me. I cannot receive mercy if I cannot give mercy.
..."Father, forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us."
Plain and simple, I must forgive in order to be forgiven. Yet I am finding it hard to do every time I think of the hurt and pain I see in my mother's hazel eyes. My heart breaks for her and I wish to God I could carry her pain and take it all away. But I am not a savior and I cannot do what I was never intended to do. I can't save anyone. Can't even save myself which is why I am in need of a constant and faithful Savior outside of myself. Yes, I need Jesus more now than ever. I need to have him carry this shame I feel weighing me down. I need him to set me free from unforgiveness. I need him to come and redeem me as I lay here and cry out. I need to focus on taking care of myself and beating this cancer.
Lord Jesus, I know you are able to do more than I can possibly ask or imagine according to the power that is at work within me. Holy Spirit come and shield me and release your power. I need you now more than ever. I have always needed you. I will always need you. Now more than ever! Give me faith to believe it will all work out for my good. Amen.
My parents, thus far, have been here for me as I battle this cancer. They have put aside their own marital problems and presented themselves as a united front (or at least they are trying to do so). My father seems to have put his short fused temper and explosive anger under tight control so as not to cause me any stress or anxiety, For the time being, he has even put aside his now publicly known affair with my uncle's wife. It almost makes me want to believe he is actually capable of changing his womanizing ways. He just might be successful at fidelity in his senior years is what I'd like to leave this world believing but I'm quickly reminded by all my friends and acquaintance who lay eyes on him for the first time that he is much too handsome for that to be the case. El mundo esta lleno de tentaciones. The world is full of temptation. And he simply has no self-control. Never has and sadly I have lost any hope he ever will.
Women find my father very attractive and handsome at first sight. I can't even begin to tell you how it makes me feel inside when I hear my many women friends immediately comment on his good looks. What used to be a source of great pride has given way to downright disgust and aversion. I cringe when people mention how good looking my father is. I've even had some friends say to my face "He looks better than you!" The comment is usually followed by laughter which I have learned to accept as their cue that the comment was said in jest. Yet when it is said enough times it no longer produces the pride I once felt at hearing such a nice compliment paid to the old man. "Thanks. Should I hook up a date or quickie while we are on the subject?" is what I sometimes wish I was able to sarcastically respond. But conventional wisdom and proper etiquette in a given situation wins the day and I too laugh it off. I'm not sure why it bothers me so much nowadays. It is no exaggeration that if as the saying goes: "If I had a dollar" for every female or gay friend who has ever made mention of Dad's good looks I might just have enough to pay off one of my credit cards.
I lied. I do know why it bothers me so much. Such commentary only reminds me of the fact that my Father has lived his whole life using his good looks to get what he wants from the women who will give it to him. As long as I have known my father, the scarlet letter "A" has been a part of his identity. I have never known him not to be an Adulterer. I grew up with it. I heard about it constantly from my betrayed and devastated mother. She herself would volunteer the sordid details no child should ever have to hear about his own father. But that's a whole other story in itself and I don't have the emotional energy to get into that right now. Somehow, without even realizing it, I have allowed bitterness and an unforgiving attitude to put a wedge between my once healed and restored relationship with the man I once wished dead because of all the emotional pain and turmoil he singlehandedly had put me through. I am relieving my childhood, it seems, yet again.
As I fight for my life and not allow this cancer to consume me, I am faced with another battle - the battle to forgive and let go. I am failing miserably on both fronts. The cancer has not only reappeared but now threatens to do it's worst. At least this is the constant threat and fear I seem to be under ever since Dr. Nash announced to me how he wanted to rip out more than just my colon. There is no use in denying what I daily dread. And as the pain intensifies in my body, now I must deal with the emotional pain and trauma my father has brought about by taking on his brother-in-law's wife as his mistress.
I keep hoping and praying he will come to his senses and turn from his wicked ways. Instead, he continues to perpetuate lies of betrayal and denial, never stopping to realize how much he is affecting his whole family. As the "head" of this family he is dragging us all into a pit along with him and he doesn't seem to care or think his shameful actions matter or have any bearing on us as a family.
As for my mother, she continues to deceive herself and believe the affair is over and done with. That is until Dad gets sloppy in covering his tracks and mom finds out he wasn't where he said he was. Forty years she has put up with this. Forty years she has somehow managed to do what I am desperately trying to do now: forgive and forget. She must have her reasons for staying in such a dishonorable marriage (deep down I do believe she genuinely loves him) but it is taking its toll on me and my siblings. I can't speak for my sisters and tell you how they are coping but I can only say that "me" the only professing "born-again christian" en la familia, it is not fairing so well. My sisters can hate if they want and harbor unforgiveness if they so chose to but I on the other hand am strictly governed by the principle that in order to be forgiven I too must forgive. Fair enough, right? Don't get me wrong, I love my parents and I want to honor them, not to mention enjoy a stable, loving, and intimate relationship with them. I want to look in my father's eyes and not be ashamed or disgusted but he is not making it easy for me. I want to wake up and know without a doubt this charade is finally over. But it seems far from over, leaving me in the predicament I find myself in.
I need to overcome. I need to forgive. I need to move on but the dysfunctions of the family I was born into are proving to be as tenacious and as unyielding as the physical cancer I am currently faced with.I keep crying out to God for mercy over judgment. I do not want to judge the old man or anyone else for that matter because I want to have ample mercy granted to me. I cannot receive mercy if I cannot give mercy.
..."Father, forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us."
Plain and simple, I must forgive in order to be forgiven. Yet I am finding it hard to do every time I think of the hurt and pain I see in my mother's hazel eyes. My heart breaks for her and I wish to God I could carry her pain and take it all away. But I am not a savior and I cannot do what I was never intended to do. I can't save anyone. Can't even save myself which is why I am in need of a constant and faithful Savior outside of myself. Yes, I need Jesus more now than ever. I need to have him carry this shame I feel weighing me down. I need him to set me free from unforgiveness. I need him to come and redeem me as I lay here and cry out. I need to focus on taking care of myself and beating this cancer.
Lord Jesus, I know you are able to do more than I can possibly ask or imagine according to the power that is at work within me. Holy Spirit come and shield me and release your power. I need you now more than ever. I have always needed you. I will always need you. Now more than ever! Give me faith to believe it will all work out for my good. Amen.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Facebook and the Rivera Family Curse
It all started with the idea of how cool it would be for dad to have access to the world wide web. I was in the process of purchasing a new Macintosh laptop and thought to myself who else but my dad would benefit from inheriting my slow as molasses ibook4. He wouldn't need it for much anyway. My sister Cindy and I knew already how much he enjoyed playing games on the desktop computer we had jointly purchased for the family a few Christmas' ago. Out of the three: my Dad, mom, and younger sister Erika, it seemed Dad was the only one who would even bother to tinker with the clunky emachine . Or so we thought. This was not completely true since it was Erika who after going into enough porn sites allowed for a virus to infect the computer and render it useless. That's right, your eyes are not deceiving you when you read the word "porn" here. My sister who is developmentally delayed and mentally challenged since birth appears to have been cursed right along with the rest of us in that she was addicted to pornography. She had somehow learned to google words which led her to XXX sites. Cindy told me one day how she had turned on the computer and was assaulted by graphic sexual images and advertisements. We immediately thought it was dear old Dad but since the images that were left behind were of naked men, it was quickly figured out that our dear "innocent" sister Erika was busy feasting her eyes on the images of naked men. Either that or Dad had turned gay on us. Not!
Erika was confronted with this embarrassing revelation and she denied it, putting the blame on my niece. Little did Erika know that we were able to look into the computer's history and pinpoint what sites had been visited and when. Erika is not savvy enough to cover her tracks since as I mentioned to you earlier she is slow and does not function at the level of her peers. Cindy and I found it quite interesting how someone with developmental delays and challenges was still able to indulge in what we considered "adult" type activities. This just went to prove in my mind that Erika had also been sexually abused as a child. None of us had escaped the clutches of child molesters; not even the youngest of the three who had grown up with such mental challenges. I could go on and on here about this sensitive subject matter since it has touched every one in my household and caused lifelong damage and trauma. Some day I will talk about generational curses in more detail but right now I need to get back on track with what I am purposely writing about.
Looking back, I regret a thousand times over ever having passed on the ibook to my Dad. Even more so, I wish I had never opened a Facebook account for him. I should have just left him in the dark ages. I blame myself for what has transpired and I continually struggle with forgiving myself on the matter. I only wanted my father and I to enjoy more forms of communication with each other. I had imagined how fun it would be to chat and leave messages for my Dad on Facebook and vice versa. I remember being super excited about opening the account for him and introducing him to the world I had myself become engrossed in. Facebook revolutionized my life. It has single-handedly impacted my day-to-day activities and how I choose to communicate with people. Now I see how Facebook has also cursed my family and become a tool of destruction. Allow me to explain...
It started innocently enough. Little by little my Dad found others on Facebook he had not been in contact with for years. This is one of the awesome things about Facebook, how it keeps you connected with people who otherwise you might never be in touch with ever again. He found childhood acquaintances through facebook. He was able to befriend old neighbors from his hometown, as well as long lost relatives in Puerto Rico. He had his close family too (Cindy and I) in his growing list of friends. I was so proud of the old man for taking this medium and running with it.
Tragically, Dad also gained knowledge and access to individuals who like himself found Facebook useful for flirting. My dad being the quintessential flirt that he has always been immediately fell into looking for friendships that would feed that part of him which needed to sexually express itself. IN enters Ms. Wanda Torres. What a dreadful day that was for all of us! Wanda Torres, or "Titi" (Auntie) Wanda as I have always known and called her by was also on Facebook. Innocently enough, my dad and Wanda began to chat with one another whenever they had the chance. I didn't think much of it until I started receiving messages from Wanda. We'd been friends on Facebook for quite some time but we never bothered to exchange words with one another. You know how you just have certain people on your list but never ever have the urge or need to reach out to? Well, Titi Wanda was one of them. She was the wife of my maternal uncle who lives in the neighboring town of Massachusetts where everyone in my family has over the last two decades migrated to. My parents, siblings, cousins, Aunts, Uncles, and the last remaining grandparent all live in the State of Massachusetts. They have made the western part of the state their home and everyone seems happy to live there. I was the only hold out. I tried it for a couple of months years ago and literally found myself on the verge of suicide. I kid you not. I attempted to live there yet again last year when I was undergoing my cancer recovery but that also fell through once I was healthy enough to pick up where I had left off.
So as I was saying, Wanda starts sending me these mushy sentimental messages about how much she loves me and wants to be there for me, blah, blah, blah. And then one day she sens the message which gave her and my dad away..."I love you like a mother loves her son". Huh? Mother? Loves a son? Um, thanks but I already have a mother. Anyway, this one little message coupled with other signs I was observing told me something was not quite kosher between her and my Dad. I would visit her page, as well as my Dad's page and started to find lots of messages and interactions between the two. So much so, that I remember mentioning to Cindy that I was starting to suspect there was more than just a friendship between the two. It was around this time when it was undeniably confirmed to me through some explicit correspondence between she and my Dad which I had access to. It was official: My Father was having an affair with his brother-in-law's wife!!!
As all things which are hidden in the dark, eventually become exposed to the light. The whole affair was discovered by my Uncle who had begun to have his own suspicions and started to follow my Aunt around. Sure enough Wanda and my Dad had agreed to rendezvous at the Mall and then head over to the motel. My uncle followed them and my Aunt realizing she was being followed and by whom made a quick detour to her nearby Pentecostal Church. When approached by my uncle, Wanda used the alibi that she was counseling and comforting (for sure) my poor Dad who was going through emotional distress at my recent hospitalization and recurrence of cancer. She wanted my uncle to believe she was driving my dad to see the Pastor for prayer and counseling. Yeah right!
After months of secrecy and meeting up for sexual romps at the Super 8 Motel, the truth had been discovered. My uncle immediately called my mother to tell her and my sister Cindy who had just hours before caught wind of the affair and was now on a rampage to publicly expose Wanda to her church and to the facebook community. Of course, my Dad, as is his typical approach to such matters, denied the affair from beginning to end. To this day he still denies it which comes as no surprise to me since this is the same man who took me aside one day during my youth and gave me the worst advice ever, advice he obviously lives by and gives to other men..." Never, ever, admit to sexual indiscretions or extramarital affairs, even if caught red-handed".
I was sick and hospitalized when all this imploded and blew up. I have kept silent about it until now. I have suffered alone. I have watched my mother well up with tears as she tells of the latest drama or incident relating to the affair. I have heard her say countless times how she is done and will leave my Dad but we all know after forty years of unfaithful marriage and affairs, she does not have the will-power or courage to do so. My heart breaks for literally breaks for her and what she is going through, yet again. As a son I would want nothing more than to take her pain and carry it for her as I know she wishes she could do the same for me. The only advice I have been able to give her is to go see a counselor, to seek professional help because she is going through a great deal of pain right now. Sadly, she feels she can come to me and vent but I need to remain neutral in the matter. I cannot take sides. I refuse to do so. As much as I want to confront my father I know it will only make matters worse since he is in denial and refuses to admit to the truth.
I am struggling with my own emotional upheaval. Emotions I need to grapple with and bring under constant control of my Christian principles. I have to continue to forgive, even if I cannot forget. The truth is my Dad's affairs, past and present, have left me traumatized and forever affected. I attribute my life long struggle with fidelity and believing in the sanctity of marriage to this very thing: my father's countless affairs. I never had anyone model for me what it is like to be faithful to one partner and to honor one's vows. My grandfathers were guilty of it. My father definitely is guilty of it and God knows I never knew what it was like to have a monogamous relationship. I cheated on all my boyfriends and denied it to the end too. Like father, like son.
I have been advised not to write about just let family skeletons hidden in the closet and go on with my life. I can't. Writing about it helps me make sense of what is going inside me. Exposing my father's sins serves me in helping to understand my own struggle with sin. I do not write to shame anyone. I may be completely wrong in thinking that when my dad finds out about this he will go on as if nothing ever happened. My family loves to pretend that the bull is not loose in the shop, even if everything around us shatters to millions of pieces. No more. I'm sincerely hoping my dad does confront me about this blog so I can call him to repentance and ask him questions he alone as my father will ever be able to answer. I want to understand him, not judge or condemn him. I'm also desirous to know what he intends to do about it all. Is he going to finally leave mom and go runaway with my Aunt? Is he going to put an end to the affair and do his best to mend his irreparably broken marriage? Will he ever see the wrong he has committed? Or will the Rivera family be doomed to keep repeating the same sins of our ancestors? God knows I may not be around long enough to break this generational curse. Then who? Who will save us and set our relationships and marriages free.
Crooked Notes by Idilio Rivera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Erika was confronted with this embarrassing revelation and she denied it, putting the blame on my niece. Little did Erika know that we were able to look into the computer's history and pinpoint what sites had been visited and when. Erika is not savvy enough to cover her tracks since as I mentioned to you earlier she is slow and does not function at the level of her peers. Cindy and I found it quite interesting how someone with developmental delays and challenges was still able to indulge in what we considered "adult" type activities. This just went to prove in my mind that Erika had also been sexually abused as a child. None of us had escaped the clutches of child molesters; not even the youngest of the three who had grown up with such mental challenges. I could go on and on here about this sensitive subject matter since it has touched every one in my household and caused lifelong damage and trauma. Some day I will talk about generational curses in more detail but right now I need to get back on track with what I am purposely writing about.
Looking back, I regret a thousand times over ever having passed on the ibook to my Dad. Even more so, I wish I had never opened a Facebook account for him. I should have just left him in the dark ages. I blame myself for what has transpired and I continually struggle with forgiving myself on the matter. I only wanted my father and I to enjoy more forms of communication with each other. I had imagined how fun it would be to chat and leave messages for my Dad on Facebook and vice versa. I remember being super excited about opening the account for him and introducing him to the world I had myself become engrossed in. Facebook revolutionized my life. It has single-handedly impacted my day-to-day activities and how I choose to communicate with people. Now I see how Facebook has also cursed my family and become a tool of destruction. Allow me to explain...
It started innocently enough. Little by little my Dad found others on Facebook he had not been in contact with for years. This is one of the awesome things about Facebook, how it keeps you connected with people who otherwise you might never be in touch with ever again. He found childhood acquaintances through facebook. He was able to befriend old neighbors from his hometown, as well as long lost relatives in Puerto Rico. He had his close family too (Cindy and I) in his growing list of friends. I was so proud of the old man for taking this medium and running with it.
Tragically, Dad also gained knowledge and access to individuals who like himself found Facebook useful for flirting. My dad being the quintessential flirt that he has always been immediately fell into looking for friendships that would feed that part of him which needed to sexually express itself. IN enters Ms. Wanda Torres. What a dreadful day that was for all of us! Wanda Torres, or "Titi" (Auntie) Wanda as I have always known and called her by was also on Facebook. Innocently enough, my dad and Wanda began to chat with one another whenever they had the chance. I didn't think much of it until I started receiving messages from Wanda. We'd been friends on Facebook for quite some time but we never bothered to exchange words with one another. You know how you just have certain people on your list but never ever have the urge or need to reach out to? Well, Titi Wanda was one of them. She was the wife of my maternal uncle who lives in the neighboring town of Massachusetts where everyone in my family has over the last two decades migrated to. My parents, siblings, cousins, Aunts, Uncles, and the last remaining grandparent all live in the State of Massachusetts. They have made the western part of the state their home and everyone seems happy to live there. I was the only hold out. I tried it for a couple of months years ago and literally found myself on the verge of suicide. I kid you not. I attempted to live there yet again last year when I was undergoing my cancer recovery but that also fell through once I was healthy enough to pick up where I had left off.
So as I was saying, Wanda starts sending me these mushy sentimental messages about how much she loves me and wants to be there for me, blah, blah, blah. And then one day she sens the message which gave her and my dad away..."I love you like a mother loves her son". Huh? Mother? Loves a son? Um, thanks but I already have a mother. Anyway, this one little message coupled with other signs I was observing told me something was not quite kosher between her and my Dad. I would visit her page, as well as my Dad's page and started to find lots of messages and interactions between the two. So much so, that I remember mentioning to Cindy that I was starting to suspect there was more than just a friendship between the two. It was around this time when it was undeniably confirmed to me through some explicit correspondence between she and my Dad which I had access to. It was official: My Father was having an affair with his brother-in-law's wife!!!
As all things which are hidden in the dark, eventually become exposed to the light. The whole affair was discovered by my Uncle who had begun to have his own suspicions and started to follow my Aunt around. Sure enough Wanda and my Dad had agreed to rendezvous at the Mall and then head over to the motel. My uncle followed them and my Aunt realizing she was being followed and by whom made a quick detour to her nearby Pentecostal Church. When approached by my uncle, Wanda used the alibi that she was counseling and comforting (for sure) my poor Dad who was going through emotional distress at my recent hospitalization and recurrence of cancer. She wanted my uncle to believe she was driving my dad to see the Pastor for prayer and counseling. Yeah right!
After months of secrecy and meeting up for sexual romps at the Super 8 Motel, the truth had been discovered. My uncle immediately called my mother to tell her and my sister Cindy who had just hours before caught wind of the affair and was now on a rampage to publicly expose Wanda to her church and to the facebook community. Of course, my Dad, as is his typical approach to such matters, denied the affair from beginning to end. To this day he still denies it which comes as no surprise to me since this is the same man who took me aside one day during my youth and gave me the worst advice ever, advice he obviously lives by and gives to other men..." Never, ever, admit to sexual indiscretions or extramarital affairs, even if caught red-handed".
I was sick and hospitalized when all this imploded and blew up. I have kept silent about it until now. I have suffered alone. I have watched my mother well up with tears as she tells of the latest drama or incident relating to the affair. I have heard her say countless times how she is done and will leave my Dad but we all know after forty years of unfaithful marriage and affairs, she does not have the will-power or courage to do so. My heart breaks for literally breaks for her and what she is going through, yet again. As a son I would want nothing more than to take her pain and carry it for her as I know she wishes she could do the same for me. The only advice I have been able to give her is to go see a counselor, to seek professional help because she is going through a great deal of pain right now. Sadly, she feels she can come to me and vent but I need to remain neutral in the matter. I cannot take sides. I refuse to do so. As much as I want to confront my father I know it will only make matters worse since he is in denial and refuses to admit to the truth.
I am struggling with my own emotional upheaval. Emotions I need to grapple with and bring under constant control of my Christian principles. I have to continue to forgive, even if I cannot forget. The truth is my Dad's affairs, past and present, have left me traumatized and forever affected. I attribute my life long struggle with fidelity and believing in the sanctity of marriage to this very thing: my father's countless affairs. I never had anyone model for me what it is like to be faithful to one partner and to honor one's vows. My grandfathers were guilty of it. My father definitely is guilty of it and God knows I never knew what it was like to have a monogamous relationship. I cheated on all my boyfriends and denied it to the end too. Like father, like son.
I have been advised not to write about just let family skeletons hidden in the closet and go on with my life. I can't. Writing about it helps me make sense of what is going inside me. Exposing my father's sins serves me in helping to understand my own struggle with sin. I do not write to shame anyone. I may be completely wrong in thinking that when my dad finds out about this he will go on as if nothing ever happened. My family loves to pretend that the bull is not loose in the shop, even if everything around us shatters to millions of pieces. No more. I'm sincerely hoping my dad does confront me about this blog so I can call him to repentance and ask him questions he alone as my father will ever be able to answer. I want to understand him, not judge or condemn him. I'm also desirous to know what he intends to do about it all. Is he going to finally leave mom and go runaway with my Aunt? Is he going to put an end to the affair and do his best to mend his irreparably broken marriage? Will he ever see the wrong he has committed? Or will the Rivera family be doomed to keep repeating the same sins of our ancestors? God knows I may not be around long enough to break this generational curse. Then who? Who will save us and set our relationships and marriages free.
Crooked Notes by Idilio Rivera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Prelude to the Sins of My Father
In the coming days I will be writing and reflecting on something that is hanging heavy on my heart. I will be openly sharing about the "sins of my Father" (literally). I just wanted to provide a quick disclaimer and make it known I love my parents with all my heart. When I expose them to the light I am not acting out of hatred, revenge, or anything in that vein; I am simply trying to make sense of how their actions to this very day still impact me and my siblings. My sisters and I are experiencing emotional upheaval and distress right now and I for one need to make peace with my raging emotions.
I can only hope and pray what I write and share is received in the spirit which it was intended. And to my Father I want to apologize ahead of time. I truly am sorry to have to put his dirty laundry out for all to see. I would not have to do so if he were willing to talk openly about what everyone in the family (and I mean everyone) has already been exposed to. He refuses to admit the truth and wants to blame everyone else but himself for the unraveling and destruction presently being unleashed due to his selfish and immoral actions. This is nothing new. As long as I can remember, my dad has been notorious for committing the act of Adultery. His unfaithfulness to y mother is legendary in my family and his inability to honor his vows of marriage already a well known fact in the Rivera family.
I have wrestled with this, whether to write about him or not, because I don't want to lose my relationship with him. Yet I realize, he himself has created this present climate of pain and betrayal. I must be true to myself and not only accept truth but embrace it. The latter part can be excruciating and if not done with caution and divine intervention I am aware it can cause destruction.
My sincere prayer is for healing, deliverance, and restoration to be the final outcome out of this painful and revealing process. I would want nothing more than to see a mighty River of Repentance come and wash away our sins. Tragically, it does not seem to be the case with my father and since he insists on making my mother believe she is imaging things, I feel it is my duty to proclaim and expose the truth.
Please pray for my family as we once again are being thrown into the pit of infidelity. My mother's heart has once again been crushed and I'm afraid if action is not taken soon, this could lead to her early demise. May it not be so. May she find the resolve to finally accomplish and follow through on what has taken forty years to be accomplished.
Crooked Notes by Idilio Rivera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
I can only hope and pray what I write and share is received in the spirit which it was intended. And to my Father I want to apologize ahead of time. I truly am sorry to have to put his dirty laundry out for all to see. I would not have to do so if he were willing to talk openly about what everyone in the family (and I mean everyone) has already been exposed to. He refuses to admit the truth and wants to blame everyone else but himself for the unraveling and destruction presently being unleashed due to his selfish and immoral actions. This is nothing new. As long as I can remember, my dad has been notorious for committing the act of Adultery. His unfaithfulness to y mother is legendary in my family and his inability to honor his vows of marriage already a well known fact in the Rivera family.
I have wrestled with this, whether to write about him or not, because I don't want to lose my relationship with him. Yet I realize, he himself has created this present climate of pain and betrayal. I must be true to myself and not only accept truth but embrace it. The latter part can be excruciating and if not done with caution and divine intervention I am aware it can cause destruction.
My sincere prayer is for healing, deliverance, and restoration to be the final outcome out of this painful and revealing process. I would want nothing more than to see a mighty River of Repentance come and wash away our sins. Tragically, it does not seem to be the case with my father and since he insists on making my mother believe she is imaging things, I feel it is my duty to proclaim and expose the truth.
Please pray for my family as we once again are being thrown into the pit of infidelity. My mother's heart has once again been crushed and I'm afraid if action is not taken soon, this could lead to her early demise. May it not be so. May she find the resolve to finally accomplish and follow through on what has taken forty years to be accomplished.
Crooked Notes by Idilio Rivera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Walking the fine line of Faith and Practicality
Everything in me breathes and believes in a Mighty, Mighty God who is still in the business of setting people free. There is no doubt in my mind God is more than able to heal and deliver. My God specializes in matters of life and Resurrection.
Even when I spent and wasted my earthly inheritance during my years of rebellion and depravity, a part of me still knew He was able. I'd spent my youth in His House beholding his power and being a witness to His awesome might. I was there when Zuleika's left leg miraculously before my very eyes grew out to meet her right leg and the limp she came in with would never be seen again. I was present when Mildred's body which had been riddled with tumors suddenly sprung out of bed healed and restored to perfect health. Yes, I was there also when fevers and diseases responded to the name of Jesus and fled. Hence, even when I turned my back and reneged my covenant to follow Him, I still knew better. Is it any wonder that after three and a half hard years of running away I finally came to my senses and came back home? I have not regretted it since and now live every day grateful to be back in the arms of my father. The anger and venom that once possessed me, now finally defeated. The doubts I once held as truth that he did not love me now replaced with a constant assurance that I am forever and unconditionally accepted. Heaven and salvation no longer just fire insurance but now a blessed reassurance.
Life could not be better... that is until this latest Goliath called Cancer now threatens to cut my days short.
The reoccurring tumor continues to grow exponentially and seems not to be responding to treatment or to the countless prayers coming against it. My surgeon now joined by the Urologist have tag teamed against me (it seems) and are bent on putting me under the knife. Along with the tumor they feel my colon, rectum, pelvic bone, bladder, penis and testicles must be removed also. Too much to take in and handle right now. I simply do not want to undergo such an extensive and invasive surgery which still does not guarantee me I will be able to enjoy a fraction of the independence and mobility I was until recently used to. Imagine a life confined to a bed?
Plain and simple, if the God of the Angel Armies does not intervene, I might as well prepare myself and others for my departure. Every journey has a starting point and the end for some, comes much sooner than we'd all like to accept. I'm okay with longevity on earth as well as eternity on the streets that are golden. For me, my friend, it is a win-win situation.
I know the thought of me dying will be harder for some than it will be for others since we all have varying degrees of grief and separation. Death is a process I do not want to ignore or neglect until it is too late. I want to be ready. My heart is to likewise help those around me be just as prepared. I guess that is why I am writing about it now and have begun dialogue with loved ones.
I'm not giving up by any means. I am holding in tension both my faith in a Healer as well as the possibility this may be my time to go home. This is yet to be determined which is why I hold both in my heart and hope for the best. And the best is not what I or anyone else says should be but what God who pre-destined my days says will be.
Even when I spent and wasted my earthly inheritance during my years of rebellion and depravity, a part of me still knew He was able. I'd spent my youth in His House beholding his power and being a witness to His awesome might. I was there when Zuleika's left leg miraculously before my very eyes grew out to meet her right leg and the limp she came in with would never be seen again. I was present when Mildred's body which had been riddled with tumors suddenly sprung out of bed healed and restored to perfect health. Yes, I was there also when fevers and diseases responded to the name of Jesus and fled. Hence, even when I turned my back and reneged my covenant to follow Him, I still knew better. Is it any wonder that after three and a half hard years of running away I finally came to my senses and came back home? I have not regretted it since and now live every day grateful to be back in the arms of my father. The anger and venom that once possessed me, now finally defeated. The doubts I once held as truth that he did not love me now replaced with a constant assurance that I am forever and unconditionally accepted. Heaven and salvation no longer just fire insurance but now a blessed reassurance.
Life could not be better... that is until this latest Goliath called Cancer now threatens to cut my days short.
The reoccurring tumor continues to grow exponentially and seems not to be responding to treatment or to the countless prayers coming against it. My surgeon now joined by the Urologist have tag teamed against me (it seems) and are bent on putting me under the knife. Along with the tumor they feel my colon, rectum, pelvic bone, bladder, penis and testicles must be removed also. Too much to take in and handle right now. I simply do not want to undergo such an extensive and invasive surgery which still does not guarantee me I will be able to enjoy a fraction of the independence and mobility I was until recently used to. Imagine a life confined to a bed?
Plain and simple, if the God of the Angel Armies does not intervene, I might as well prepare myself and others for my departure. Every journey has a starting point and the end for some, comes much sooner than we'd all like to accept. I'm okay with longevity on earth as well as eternity on the streets that are golden. For me, my friend, it is a win-win situation.
I know the thought of me dying will be harder for some than it will be for others since we all have varying degrees of grief and separation. Death is a process I do not want to ignore or neglect until it is too late. I want to be ready. My heart is to likewise help those around me be just as prepared. I guess that is why I am writing about it now and have begun dialogue with loved ones.
I'm not giving up by any means. I am holding in tension both my faith in a Healer as well as the possibility this may be my time to go home. This is yet to be determined which is why I hold both in my heart and hope for the best. And the best is not what I or anyone else says should be but what God who pre-destined my days says will be.

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