Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I'm cutting the ribbon and laying the cornerstone.

I want to lay a proper foundation for this new blogging venture. I'm afraid it's not going so well in that respect. Lately, I have been bombarded with work and completely distracted with other things. Yet,  I find myself thinking about this writing business a great deal. I want to have a place to compile and input all these ideas and stories floating in my head. What I really want to do is write my long awaited book and have it published but I must confess I am nowhere as disciplined as I ought to be in order to make that happen.

So, I am left with random thoughts, bits and pieces scattered all over the place, and not much of anything worthwhile to write about. Frustrated, to say the least. Just thinking about a thing will not make it materialize in itself. Action is required, which is where my fingers come into play. I have decided to write every day whatever it is that comes to mind and not worry so much about structure and such things. I'm just going to type away and see what comes of it. I am going to call it an experiment in setting a foundation. Foundation for what exactly is anyone's guess at this moment but if I don't get around to just doing it, well, the day will surely come when I will regret never having attempted to write.

Here it is... I'm cutting the ribbon and laying the cornerstone while crossing my fingers. Remembering what I have been told, I will not despise small beginnings and with that forge ahead unto uncharted territory. Wish me luck!